Product Review: ColonBroom Psyllium Husk

ColonBroom Psyllium Husk image


ColonBroom's formula is crafted with a blend of natural ingredients, including fiber-rich psyllium husk and probiotics, making it a comprehensive solution for promoting digestive health. The synergistic combination of these elements creates a potent formula that targets not only digestive regularity but also supports a healthy gut microbiome.


Regular use of this supplement brings potential positive effects on digestive regularity, reducing bloating and discomfort commonly associated with poor gut health. The key component, psyllium husk, has demonstrated efficacy in addressing gastrointestinal concerns and supporting weight management, promoting regular bowel movements in the process.


The recommended usage is clear and straightforward - 1 scoop daily mixed with water, with easy-to-follow instructions that accommodate various lifestyles.


The natural strawberry flavor is a real favorite among users making it easily palatable for anyone's daily gut health routine.

Sarah Smith - Senior Health Expert Editor

Sarah is an expert nutritionist and certified health coach based in California who has been providing reviews about health products for over 4 years and has gained a wide audience who follow her blog religiously. When she isn't researching health products, Sarah enjoys exploring local farmers markets and growing her own organic vegetables.
Logo ColonBroom Psyllium Husk

ColonBroom Psyllium Husk

Overall Ranking B+


(3580 Votes)


  • Reduce bloating & constipation
  • Supports gut health
  • Lose excess weight
  • Antioxidant benefits
  • Natural, pure source
  • Minimally processed
  • Supports immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Premium price
  • Not for everyone

  • Reduce bloating & constipation
  • Supports gut health
  • Lose excess weight
  • Antioxidant benefits
  • Natural, pure source
  • Minimally processed
  • Supports immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Premium price
  • Not for everyone

Sarah Smith - Senior Health Expert Editor

Sarah is an expert nutritionist and certified health coach based in California who has been providing reviews about health products for over 4 years and has gained a wide audience who follow her blog religiously. When she isn't researching health products, Sarah enjoys exploring local farmers markets and growing her own organic vegetables.